
Our Mission

Our Dare2BUncommon Youth and Young Adult Fellowship is a global Christian fellowship, without walls; specially tailored for young people ages 12 – 30 who want to live a life of integrity for Jesus Christ. Our focus is to empower our members to uncover, acknowledge, and own their greatness, so together we can be who God created us to be, unapologetically, in Jesus' Name!

The purpose for which Dare2BUncommon exists is for the spiritual growth, emotional development, accountability, uplifting, and empowering of teens and young adults throughout our world. We are here to share the unadulterated word of God, to coach Christian and non-Christian teens and young adults to passionately pursue Jesus Christ; to fanatically devote living their lives for God; to love their neighbors by 1st falling madly in love with themselves, and care for other believers and non-believers, to enjoy their lives, their values, and live their dreams.

Our motto is “Transforming hearts and minds for Jesus that last a lifetime!” Our call-to-action is “Dare To Be Uncommon! Dare To Be An Uncommon Leader Living an Uncommon Life, Dare To Be You, Unapologetically!”

Our Goals

Dare2BUncommon's business strategy is based on goals that exist to assist us with being successful. We believe our success is gain through attention to marketing and financial management. Our competitive edge is in attracting and retaining our members with the most highly trained and well-informed staff and volunteers we can recruit. We provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment that offers authentic freedom; personalized individual spiritual and emotional growth; through comprehensive Christian programs specially tailored for teens and young adults. Our goals include:

Do you want to be in an environment which uses the word of God to ensure spiritual growth, emotional development, and accountability of teens and young adults that last a lifetime? If so, then Dare2BUncommon is for you.
Goal 1: Our Aim is to be Open, Honest and Flexible

Dare2BUncommon has a willingness to adapt to fit the needs and wants of individual members and their families. Our Number “1” priority is to find creative solutions to individual problems, issues or concerns. We promise to communicate the Truth in love. We will be known by love because love is the clearest way, we can show Jesus to people.

Dare2BUncommon business of operation will be year-round, Monday through Friday our regular office hours are from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Weekly worship services are Sunday 2:00 pm EST. More worship services will be added as needed.

Office hours will be extended for annual events, special events, seminars, workshops, and community outreach programs. Even with these hours, our staff will be flexible, in accommodating a member who works shifts that do not fit in our operation hours.

Dare2BUncommon offers a variety of programs and services that caters to differing backgrounds, preferences, and interest of teens, young adults, and adults. Our programs are purpose-driven. They are designed to meet the need of each potential member. Our objective is to ultimately, create a path of spiritual and emotional development with accountability that will inspire, empower, encourage, enlighten and exalt any young person who wants to serve God.

From partnering with parents to motivating teens to have a voice; we provide programs that not only make a difference. Our programs will impact the world for a long time. We will connect with different communities in various cities and states, offering services geared to everyone, all ages. Our promise is to have fun.

At Dare2BUncommon we believe quality service exists only with quality staff. It is the staff that initially sells the program and then becomes a crucial element in the members’ choice to stay or go elsewhere.

Providing proper orientation and initial training, as well as continuing individual and group education, are key components in developing a staff that creates high-quality programs, which in turn, attracts high-quality staff.

Dare2BUncommon focuses on market segments to determine who we will serve and how we will customize our services. We are dedicated to using our time more efficiently by offering support groups and parenting education. Provide formal referral sources, including health care professionals, social service agencies and other community service providers. Having a clear comprehension of our market allows Dare2BUncommon to tailor our messages and design programs that better meet the needs of our members and their communities.

Our Promises

  • Communicating the Truth in love: people hearing God's word in fresh and relevant ways.
  • Excellence: people honoring God by giving their very best.
  • Fun: people enjoying God and each other.
  • Servant Leadership: people leading and discipling other people.
  • Life change (spiritual and emotional growth: people understanding, pursuing and taking their next step toward maturity in Christ no matter where they are spiritually.
  • Prayer: people sharing every joy and need with God.
  • Worship: people experiencing God through worship.
  • Building Relationships: ppeople connecting relationally and caring (accountability) for one another through a genuine Christian Community.
  • Seeker-sensitive culture: people building bridges to reach a lost and skeptical generation.
  • Service: people using their gifts to honor God and build up the church.
  • Faith: people trusting God as they step out on faith and seek to cooperate with what He is up to.
  • Reaching lost people: people sharing and modeling their faith with others.

Our Vision & Values

The Dare 2B Uncommon Youth and Young Adult Fellowship's goal is to be recognized as the leader for the spiritual growth, emotional development, uplifting and empowerment of youth and young adults throughout our world. Our vision is to be (delete) fully functional, self-sufficient, non-denominational, a Christian Fellowship that impacts the lives of 2,000,000 youth and young adults throughout our world, and within 3 years; to effect a societal change in attitudes about Christian youth and young adults; and to create a fellowship that grows deep and goes wide with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our core values are the foundation for Dare2BUncommon and are key elements to providing excellent Christian programs targeted for spiritual and emothinal growth. They include: Our core values are the foundation for Dare 2B Uncommon and are key elements to providing excellent Christian programs targeted for spiritual growth. They include:


Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Mark 12:30); we coach youth and young adults to passionately pursue Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.


Teaching them to obey and defend God’s words (Matthew 28:20); we inspire youth and young adults to be fanatically devoted to living a life of Christian integrity; living our faith.


Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31); we encourage youth and young adults to love their neighbors by 1st falling madly, madly, (did I say madly), in love with themselves; to be a light to others, (italicize) unashamed, unafraid, un-alone and uncommon; but approved by God.


Go and make disciples; we share God’s word, making disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:19); helping youth and young adults to become comfortable with sharing and defending their faith. We want them to be as comfortable as they are with sharing their name and effectively living their faith.


Baptizing them (Matthew 28:19); we offer an environment where youth and young adults can enjoy other believers, care for one another, value their lives, their health and their dreams.

Become a Member

Do you want to be in an environment which uses the word of God to ensure spiritual growth, emotional development, and accountability of teens and young adults that last a lifetime?

If so, then Dare2BUncommon is for you.

Enroll Today
  • Fields, D. (1998). Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
  • Stier, G. (2006).Ministry Mutiny: a Youth Leader Fable. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers.