We believe many of the problems in modern society are due, at least in part, to people being unable to understand and appropriately express their emotions. Emotional literacy is a preventive tool, which properly understood, can help solve many social ills -- violence, illness, drug abuse, dysfunctional relationships, and global societal conflicts.
Learning how to become emotionally literate is one of the best investments that human beings can make for themselves, their children, and the future. Developing emotional literacy in our youth is essential to their emotional preparedness for long term learning, fostering the development both of self-belief and permanent and crucial resilience.
That is why we are a training and self-development company that specializes in teaching youth and young adults how to fall madly in love with themselves, how to communicate effectively by putting words to their angry thoughts and hurting feelings; and how to make integrity-based decisions. We work to peel back the layers of perceived image and limiting beliefs. We work to remove the hurt and pain by helping youth and young adults to put a voice to their feelings. We create emotional healthiness, which leads to better learners, making better choices, and developing into great leaders.
Emotional literacy can be learned through self-study and leadership development programs. Working with a mentor or coach is valuable in developing emotional intelligence skill. Emotional literacy is universally relevant. It can benefit every individual, every organization, and every profession. It has the capacity to transform each person and their relationships.
Emotional literacy is a key to living a full rich life. It is basic to joy and enthusiasm for living and fundamental to your ability to love and be loved. Emotional literacy is a profound and beautiful language available to everyone. It can be implemented rapidly, safely, and with lasting effect.
A poll done by USA Today showed that, when asked what they most wanted to change in their children's schools, a full 75% of all parents asked for emotional literacy - though not by name.
Parents' most frequent request (36%) was the desire for more school counselors - a need alleviated by Emotional Literacy education. The second greatest request (33%) was the desire for emotional diagnosis of our kids before it was “too late.” The third most prolific desire was to insure our kids are taught not to hate (18%).
Don’t know your identity? Needless to say, your true identity lies in your greatness. Uncover your greatness and you will find your true identity. By completing this simple but challenging exercise you will be on the path to finding your True Identity, while Uncovering your Greatness!
We will meet young adults’ right where they are by first offering our “Meet You Where You Are” customized sessions. Whether they are confused, have doubt, grief stricken, or frustrated with life, our “Meet You Where You Are” sessions are designed to do exactly that, meet them where they are in life regardless of the circumstances. The purpose of this campaign is to provide life support to our young adults especially those who are desperately seeking it.
The purpose of laying out a curriculum is to provide a framework of the study to follow. Our objective is to get feedback and the buy in from the young adults to further shape the Jesus Plus Nothing Young Adult Ministry.
At Dinner for Ten, we invite crowd members who are visiting or feel unconnected to dinner. We eat together; share our history; tell about who we are; and try to help the unconnected connect. Besides praying before the meal, there is nothing overtly spiritual about the program.
Dare2BUncommon enhances its curriculum by instituting social networking avenues such as various activities and educational seminars. With the help of the internet, we will fully utilize the power of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter to promote our group and to help get our message out.
At Dare2BUncommon we make it very clear that we raise our expectations for the members we entrust with the title leader. We believe that the teens and young adults we place in roles of leadership need not only be committed to attending (crowd), committed to other believers through a small group (congregation), committed to growing spiritually on their own (committed), and committed to ministry (core), but also committed to a lifestyle that pursues godliness, honors God, and is above question.
We also help members discover their gifts. We teach our entire fellowship body that God has uniquely "shaped" every individual to do something in ministry. We teach them the five elements that can help them discover their personal ministry by using the acronym S.H.A.P.E.
At Dare2BUncommon we believe before anyone can truly love their neighbor, they first have to love themselves. This series teaches youth and youth adults the importance of loving oneself. The series ventures through topics such as Self Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Image, and Self Confidence. It was created to empower our members in making better decisions, being accountable, taking responsibility for their actions, and falling madly in love with themselves.
Do you want to change lives? Do you want to change your life? Are you interested in being in an environment where spirituality is natural and authentic?
An environment where the unadulterated word of God is taught, and timeless and immutable biblical principles are applied? If so, then Dare2BUncommon is for you.